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Hit and Run

If a driver has an accident with another vehicle or a person and they fail to stop at the scene with the intention of avoiding responsibility, they have committed the criminal offence of Failing to Stop at the Scene of an Accident, also called Hit and Run. The offence includes the failure or refusal to provide your name and address or, where any person has been injured or appears to require assistance, failing to offer assistance.

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Immediate Roadside Prohibition Lawyer -IRP Defence
We are the law office that has successfully defended thousands of IRP DUI driving prohibitions. The lawyers at Acumen have the roadside breathalyzers that the police use, a library of unpublished and secret documents and the training and skill to defend Immediate Roadside prohibitions from driving.
Immediate Roadside Prohibition and Impaired Driving Lawyer
In BC you will normally get a 90-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) if the police allege that you blew Fail or refused to provide a breath sample to an Approved Screening Device. If you blow Fail you will normally get an IRP.
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is one of the most serious laws in Canadian Law. Our experienced team of criminal lawyers put the evidence under the microscope to defend your case.
Immediate Roadside Prohibition Lawyers - IRP Defence
We are the law office that has successfully defended thousands of IRP DUI driving prohibitions. The lawyers at Acumen have the roadside breathalyzers that the police use, a library of unpublished and secret documents and the training and skill to defend Immediate Roadside prohibitions from driving.
Immediate Roadside Prohibition & Impaired Driving Lawyer
In BC you will normally get a 90-day Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) if the police allege that you blew Fail or refused to provide a breath sample to an Approved Screening Device. If you blow Fail you will normally get an IRP.
Hit And Run
If a driver has an accident with another vehicle or a person and they fail to stop at the scene with the intention of avoiding responsibility, they have committed the criminal offence of Failing to Stop at the Scene of an Accident, also called Hit and Run. The offence includes the failure or refusal to provide your name and address or, where any person has been injured or appears to require assistance, failing to offer assistance.
Women bondage lift hands against violence against women, international women's day.
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is one of the most serious laws in Canadian Law. Our experienced team of criminal lawyers put the evidence under the microscope to defend your case.

We go to Court. We get results.

We are a team experienced trial lawyers ready to stand for you in court and challenge the evidence of the police and complainants.
We go to court and we get results.

Kyla Lee, lawyer

Kyla Lee


Aasheesh Puri

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Each year we have hundreds of roadside prohibitions revoked for clients from all around British Columbia, particularly Immediate Roadside Prohibitions and Administrative Driving Prohibitions. At Acumen Law we change the Law. After all, we have defended thousands of IRPs…

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604 685 8889

One quick phone call and we can get started on your Driving Prohibition or Criminal case

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